Why *not* to choose d.i.y. for painting your home

We’ve given you some tips before on what to do if you’re going the D.I.Y. route, but today we’re going to discuss a few of the finer points of why D.I.Y. may not be for you!

so much to do, so little time!

As with anything that you choose to do yourself, you are committing to giving up your time. And the process—if finished correctly—is time-consuming, especially for an inexperienced painter. Emphasis on correctly…because mistakes in painting could mean scrapping all of your work and having to start over.

Life & Limb!

Okay, okay, exaggerations aside… There is risk involved with painting. If ladders are necessary, it’s a risk. If you aren’t masked properly and are exposed to paint fumes for too long, it’s a risk. For both of these concerns a skilled painting crew will know how to address them accordingly.

You don’t know what you don’t know!

In other words, you’re not a professional (unless you are, but you’re reading this, so probably not.) You most likely don’t know what the best materials to use are…the specifics of what you need in that paint can or the correct tools (if you just read that, laughed, and said “um a paint brush and the color blue, duh!” you should save yourself time and give us a call.) And to say nothing about the actual application of the paint!

Painting is a skill requiring lots of practice and lots of precision. Each stroke is as important as the last. And hiring the right professional will take the away stress of having to worry about those details. We don’t say ‘taking care of the details’ for nothin’!


It Is (Sellin’) Time!
